What Is Clarence Thomas Thinking?

Lee Mac Arthur
2 min readMar 1, 2024


Just when things seem to have calmed down in regard to supreme court and Clarence Thomas past issues such as taking vacations paid for by other people or questions regarding his wife’s choices, we have something new popping up.

It seems he has hired a law clerk who has a past record of sending racist tweets out to the world. At the time, these tweets lead her to being released from that position in a group that isn’t middle of the road. From there, it seems she was able to connect with Clarence Thomas who fast tracked her into a position that would lead to the one she now has. A track that in the past has been reserved for the brightest of the bright and leads to great job offers.

According to what I’ve read, this young lady ended up going to work for Clarence’s wife after she separated from her previous job. This lead to her living with the Thomas’s. In fact, the young lady claims to have no memory of sending those tweets yet the evidence is there and that is why she was let go from the previous job

Of course the current story in regard to this event is that her account was hacked and someone else sent those tweets. If that is true, why is this the first time she’s said said this even though this event took place several years ago. Why is Clarence Thomas supporting this illusion?

I suspect he is supporting this story because it suits his needs. He seems to be pursuing his own private agenda just like many of the other supreme court justices. They all seem to have private agendas they are using their positions to make changes rather than trying to stay neutral and look at the cases objectively.

I guess he’s not concerned about racism. Let me know what you think, I’d love to hear.



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