Time To Experiment!
I still have to report to work but since I’m a teacher, the only people allowed in the building are teachers and paraprofessionals. This is to cut down on possible exposure. At night and on weekends, I actually have time to pursue my interests.
I decided this is the perfect opportunity for me to explore certain things I’ve never really done before.
For instance, I have make-up I don’t use enough because I still look like a child applied it when I’m done but with the free time, I can check out videos and websites to practice applying it so maybe when everything is over, I can wear it with confidence.
I’ll have the time to explore vintage clothing styles and break open my fabric stash to make cool clothing. I know vintage is in style and of course I can view videos to learn to create hairstyles for the appropriate time period. I have tons of bobby pins, so I am set. I can also hit my stash for ribbons and such. Downton Abby anyone?
I have colored strands of hair I can play with. I have time to learn to integrate them into braids and other things so they look a natural part of my hair. Imagine dark brunette hair with streaks of blue or yellow woven in as part of the braids running across my head.
Maybe this would be the perfect time to learn to walk in high heels. I have several pairs that I love but I’ve never managed to walk gracefully in them. I usually sound like a clomping elephant. I can be heard from 200 feet away. I’ve had people give me advice but I still clomp and I resemble Sandra Bullock from Miss Congeniality. I am unstable and tend to wobble a lot.
This is the perfect time to create a new look. It might be vintage or maybe I’ll check out edgy fashion to see if something speaks to me and go after that. No I am not planning to add piercings or tattoos but maybe a bit more leather, or something in black with lots of straps.
It is also a time to learn new skills. Maybe I can take advantage of all those free online activities. I have a chance to learn to draw like a professional. I have pencil and paper. I’d love to learn to paint but I don’t have any and I don’t think I can find any in town.
Or I could learn a new language such as Russian or Icelandic, or maybe I could brush up on my French or Spanish. Maybe I could learn the fundamentals of accounting, or explore what I need to do to set up a business for sometime in the future.
Wait, I could spend evenings working on the “Great American Novel”. The one that we all have wanted to write but never gotten around to. Yes, this is the perfect time for it. At the moment, school is being taught by distance till May first so I have nights and weekends available to pursue my interests.
Right now, I can enjoy pursing all those things I’ve wanted to but never had the chance. Let me know what you think, I’d love to hear. Have a great day.