Things Have Changed So Much In The Last 50 Plus Years
I’ve listened to some of my older relatives, the ones who were born well before the home computer ever hit the market. Long before cable television, streaming, and just as live broadcasting of major events such as the moon landing.
If I ask about the day when man landed on the moon, I’m told it was a huge event. One relative talks about watching the astronauts walk on the moon on a television in a department store in Hawaii. She talks about how she and so many others crowded around multiple televisions to see this epic event.
Another relative said he was at some sort of church camp and the camp members set up a television in barn to see it. Normally, televisions were not allowed but since this was an extremely special event, the camp allowed their campers to watch the event.
If that type of event happened today, people would whip their cell phones out of their pockets to watch the live feed from any number of sources. No one would need to find a television to experience the event since you’d see it on your phone.
Friends might see the event being streamed, record it, and share it with others but the event is not limited to specific television channels. Instead, it would appear on any number of apps, YouTube, or services. Everyone could see it or even rewatch it time after time rather than waiting for the local station to reshow the important moment.
The speed at which information disperses has increased in the 50 odd years since man landed on the moon. Let me know what you think, I’d love to hear. Have a great say.