The Supreme Court Opened The Door For Political Bodies To Practice Medicine.
When the supreme court over ruled Roe versus Wade, they opened up the door for political bodies to control medical practices in their states. We have Texas that determined life is there at six weeks even though the fetus is just a collection of cells with an electrical pulsation, much like plugging blinking lights in the wall. Neither one is really alive.
Then we have the states who determined that abortion cannot happen in cases of rape or incest. Hmmm, I don’t believe any of these politicians are psychologist or medical doctors. Both rape and incest are traumatic events which can effect the mental stability of a woman. I know someone who’d been raped twice before the age of 20 and she came out of it changed. She participated in behaviors that were not the safest.
We’ve seen the case of the 10 year old who had to travel to another state to obtain an abortion because her state knew more about medicine than her doctor. It has been well documented that girls in the nine to fourteen age range, who have to carry a pregnancy to term are more likely to suffer problems because a pregnancy can be detrimental to them.
Then there is the phrase “for the health of the mother” which is what politicians use to allow abortions. The problem is, the government will be the ones who determine it, not the doctors. The doctors are the ones who have studied medicine for multiple years. They know what is going on, yet they have had their hands tied because if they carry out an abortion and the local governing body decides it wasn’t for the health of the mother, they can end up in jail while losing their license.
Furthermore, these restrictive laws are making it harder for doctors to prescribe medications for certain diseases due to the possibility the medication might cause an abortion. Might cause so women are being denied proper medical care. Furthermore, it seems that many of these same states want to outlaw birth control because they perceive it as abortion rather than an informed choice. I remember girls in high school who were on the pill, not because they were sexually active but because they had issues with their periods and the pill was the way to help.
I don’t know why the politicians think they know more than the doctors when it comes to reproductive health care. I don’t know why politicians want to put women back in their place. If the supreme court continues to go by what was legal when the 14th amendment was passed, we will lose the right to vote for a significant number of people, same sex marriages, and so many of the rights we’ve gained.
It appears as if the supreme court and certain political bodies believe they have the right to place their beliefs in the form of laws even though most Americans believe abortion should be allowed. We are losing the right to practice our religious beliefs, be treated as adults who know their own bodies and own minds. Let me know what you think, I’d love to hear it.