The New Prom — Virtual

Lee Mac Arthur
3 min readMay 4, 2020


It’s that time of year again, when young men rent a tuxedo or borrow a suit and young ladies dress up in beautiful dresses to attend the prom.

For some, this is their last one and for others it is their first but due to the coronavirus, many schools will not be having their annual prom.

Often proms are held at hotels but many states have limited the number of people who can be together which means prom organizers might have to set times so students can cycle through or they might have to cancel it completely.

Here in Alaska, in the village where I live, the planning committee decided to do something a bit different. The juniors are the ones who order supplies and decorate the gym or cafeteria. They had just sent off the order when the governor cancelled school till the end of the year.

Instead of bemoaning the fact they could not throw the prom in the normal way, they decided to semi postpone it till summer when hopefully the rules are loosened but in the mean time they arranged for something on the prom weekend for everyone.

The junior class advisor arranged for a special snap chat filter to use on Saturday night during the time of the prom. The juniors made suggestions for music and eventually the advisor put together a list of approved music which was played over the local radio station from 9 to 12.

The idea was for students to attend the prom in their living rooms so they could maintain social distancing and not violating rules on gathering, while still having a prom. Many students are related to each other and I suspect a few got together here and there to have a chance to dance with each other.

I know of a few students who either did not have snap chat or were not allowed to use it so I spoke with their family members who were going to make sure they got their photos done. In addition, the advisor announced the royalty selected by students who voted via e-mail and they will get their crowns.

They were also asked to send their prom photos to their advisor because she and I are going to put together a memory book filled with sayings and pictures for the future. In 20 years, they can look back and relive their virtual prom with fond memories.

I realize this is not the same as going out to a fully decorated facility with dining and dancing but it is what could be done within the restrictions. Furthermore, if restrictions do ease later in the summer, they will have something no other class has had — two proms in one year.

Who knows what next year will offer but we know these students got to experience life as close to normal as possible. Who would have thought of having a virtual prom? I didn’t but it is how it has to be done. Let me know what you think. Have a great day.



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