Texas Abortion Law Return Us To Nazi Germany!
The newest abortion law recently passed has long reaching repercussions on women and they aren’t good.
First of all, Texas has arbitrarily set the 6 week mark as when one can hear the heart beat. It is possible to hear the something using a vaginal ultrasound but the heart is only in its beginning stages. The heart is not fully formed until around 9 to 10 weeks of development. This is similar to the Nazis creating a definition for Jew so more people could be classified as such.
Next is the part of the bill that requires all females who become pregnant due to rape or incest to carry the fetus to term. Unfortunately, experiencing a rape or incest is extremely traumatic to the individual. To make them carry a reminder of the event in this way can further damage the girls/women involved. In Nazi Germany, women were told it was their duty to provide the offspring for officers. It was carrying out the glory of the nation. Is Texas trying to tell the women that carrying a child conceived under these circumstances is glorious?
Although there is an exemption to allow females to have the abortion due to health reasons, I doubt any doctor would be able to due this with complete impunity due to the last part of the law. The part of the law that allows citizens to report people involved in carrying out an abortion. This is the most dangerous part of the law.
It is relying on the same tactic that the Nazi’s used to find hidden Jews and people participating in the resistance. It asks citizens to police their neighbors. Think about it. If you are mad at your boss for passing you over for a promotion, report them. If you have a dispute with your neighbor, report them. Your child didn’t make first string for football, report the coach.
Every report will have to be investigated by the state and in the process it will damage a person’s reputation, especially if the report is baseless. All it takes is for the community to hear a person might be involved in helping someone else get an abortion and the damage is done. People can be quite vicious when they don’t get their way.
Furthermore, the motivation behind reporting everyone is a reward of $10,000 if the report is true. $10,000 is a lot of money and very tempting to some people. This reward is along the same lines of the Germans who rewarded collaborators and informers with better housing, food, and conditions.
This whole law is nothing more than a way to turn women into second class citizens who are being told they don’t know anything and must rely on the government to know what is best for them. The Nazi’s tried to show the Germans that they knew what was best by taking the rights away from several groups of people. In addition, this law is discriminatory against race, socio-economic group, gender, and religious beliefs just like the Nazi’s. The nazi’s arrested and sent others to concentration camps or the gas chambers. They sent Gypsies, Homosexuals, Special Needs, the elderly, and others who would not contribute properly to society.
Yes, the Texas abortion law has a lot of the same hallmarks as the laws passed in Nazi Germany. Is our country headed that way as other states try to join the bandwagon or are we as citizens going to stand up and say we will not tolerate it? You cannot sit quietly by and let it happen or one day your rights will be gone.
Let me know what you think, I’d love to hear. Thank you.