Seems The World Has Gone Crazy
If you’ve read my writings before, you know I live in Alaska. In the past week, Alaska is one of the places that has been hit with nasty weather. Although I’ve lived in the coastal regions before, I wasn’t there this time when everything hit but I have friends who are. I had a friend tell me that the village she is in didn’t do too badly. They lost most of their fishing boats with only 3 or 4 that made it through the storm but the village down river, by the ocean ended up being severely flooded and several houses were pulled off their foundations.
You heard the same story again and again from villages and cities located along the Alaskan coast. Flooding, houses being pulled off foundations, power going out, water supplies being messed up and the governor had time to declare these places disaster areas but before the storm had finished hitting the coast, other places in the world were getting hit hard.
Japan took over as the focus of the news when a typhoon hit the country hard, dumping a ton of rain and wind on the country side, flooding and impacting the country side. The focus didn’t stay on Japan very long because another typhoon/hurricane was racing for Puerto Rico.
This one smacked into the island, flooding it while taking out almost all the power on the island. This storm wasn’t the first one to hit Puerto Rico but it was one of the strongest and the latest. The news stayed on Puerto Rico for a while while watching the storm move on to rain its fury onto the Dominican Republic, doing significant damage.
The damage it left, didn’t slow it down. The storm was moving on to other countries in the area, Turks and Caicos but storms weren’t the only thing. Over the same time period, there were major earthquakes in Taiwan (6.8) and Mexico (7.6), both causing issues for the populations of each country. Both countries would have suffered from buildings falling, electricity getting knocked out, water systems shut down, and even people being hurt or killed. Just for your information, there was a smaller earthquake (only 4.5) near Fairbanks during the same time period. Although it was felt, it didn’t cause any damage.
It seems like the world has gone crazy between the storms and earthquakes. I keep waiting for the next one to hit, wondering how much damage will occur between them. I know there are fires or flooding in other areas but things are happening so fast that events are being knocked from the news so rapidly that we are not hearing how much damage actually happened before we are seeing information on the next, and the next event. Let me know what you think I’d love to hear. Have a great day.