School Districts Are Going Too Far!

Lee Mac Arthur
2 min readMay 19, 2024


This morning, I read an article on another school district that is taking censorship into its own hands by deciding what topics should be taken out of textbooks. They want to remove topics that they feel should not be taught. Topics such as vaccines, climate change, and other “controversial” items.

They want to remove all references to vaccines from science texts. This is ridiculous since vaccines have played an important part in saving so many people. Vaccines have eliminated polio which used to cause people to end up in iron lungs designed to help them breath. Vaccines have also helped reduce the number of cases of measles, chicken pox, and so many other diseases. In fact, if it weren’t for vaccines, so many children would never have grown to adulthood.

This is just a way for extremists to indoctrinate children so they only see the world through a limited lens. When districts decide what should and shouldn’t be taught to their students, they are doing a disservice to all children. Rather than becoming well rounded people, children graduate from school with a jaundiced view of the world. They will not understand the past because so many important events were erased or rewritten.

As for science, they’ll have limited background and won’t know enough to question any headlines they read as they stand in the check out line at the supermarket. They’ll never experience certain pieces of literature because they’ve been banned for what ever reason.

Schools should open up the world to children, not shut it down and “protect” them from life. By “eliminating” certain topics, the school is also taking certain parental rights from them. They are not letting parents decide if they child should be exposed to these topics, they are making the decision for them.

It is so sad to see this happen in a land that is said to honor freedom. Speak up, don’t let them do this. Parents need to fight for their rights to decide what their children learn, not school districts. Let me know what you think, I’d love to hear. Have a great day.



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