Returning To A Male White Straight Run Society?

Lee Mac Arthur
2 min readSep 22, 2021


First, there was a movement to limit the voting rights of citizens who are disabled, members of certain minorities or live in poverty.

Second, another group managed to take away a woman’s right to a surgical abortion, then they took away her right to a medical abortion in Texas. A right that is important to so many including those who have been raped or suffered incest. This change discriminates against women, specifically women who belong to a minority or are in poverty or both.

Will other states remove that fundamental right? Will women be forced to return to the days when they had to undergo illegal abortions like the ones shown in Dirty Dancing or Call The Midwives?

Now the same men who proposed and got this law enacted, are going after the LBGQT community. They want to eliminate same sex marriages because they have the misyogenic view that only people of different sexes can marry. When they start restricting marriage to one male and one female, they are taking choices from those of the same sex, those who do not identify as male or female, are fluid, or who choose to be identified as non-binary.

I fear that if these men manage to get rid of same sex marriages, they will force people to identify as either male or female with no exceptions. This discriminates against those who do not fit neatly into one of those two boxes. If they eliminate same sex marriage, will they then make it illegal for same sex relationships. Will we return to the days when a man or woman could be arrested and convicted for being in same sex relationships?

What’s next, women losing the ability to establish credit in their own name, purchase things in their own name without having to have a man ok the purchase? Will women lose the right to vote? Will men who are not white, and straight have their right to vote taken away?

The limitation of voting rights, the limitation of abortion, and the attack on same sex marriages is the beginning of a slippery slope. Each right that is limited or taken away is one step towards putting one group in charge. The same group who was in charge when the constitution was written, when each group fought to get those same rights extended to them.

People broke the law, went to jail, and died to gain these rights only to have them limited. It is important to stop and reverse these injustices before one group takes control and limits the rights of everyone else. Let me know what you think, I’d love to hear. Have a great day.



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