Republicans Need To Grow A Spine
I am sick to my stomach watching the republicans in congress simply roll over and refuse to oppose Trump or his nominees. Due to this refusal to do anything, we now have several department heads who know absolutely anything about their positions.
Robert F. Kennedy Junior has no medical experience, loves following unscientific views, and is nothing more than a lawyer who just happens to be a good friend to Trump. Now, he’s in charge of health and human services. How can the Senate confirm someone as unqualified as this to lead a department?
Then there is Tulsi Gabbard who was confirmed as director of national intelligence. Again we have a person with little to know experience in the intelligence field so why her. It would seem her only qualification is that she is a friend of Trump.
I haven’t seen Gabbard go after Musk for releasing information on the National Reconnaissance Office to the public. I have not seen the Republicans object to this, nor have I seen any proposals to cancel the contracts the NRO has with his company to build satellites.
Watching unqualified person after unqualified person either being confirmed for a position or appointed to a position with little to no objection from the Republican Party shows me they have rolled over and are allowing Trump to do anything he damn well pleases.
I understand that Trump is going after anyone who crosses him now or in the past. I understand he goes after anyone he thinks has done him wrong but damn it! I do not think it is worth just rolling over and letting Trump and his cronies take apart the government for the people, by the people, and of the people.
I am a hard working American who is watching prices go up every day. I see departments he’s trying to eliminate that will impact my job to the point that there will be massive layoffs. What the Republicans do not seem to realize is that for every cut that Trump and Musk make at the Federal level, it sends out ripples that will effect state and local governments.
People lose jobs, they can’t afford to pay taxes, spend the way they used to, which means less money for the state and local governments for budgets. They will have to do cuts and that means more people out of a job. This is in addition to less money being shared by the Federal Government with states and local governments.
Republicans need to stand up and say NO to protect the common man. Please do not keep rolling over to protect your position since you’ll loose the vote of your constituents. It is your job to represent and protect the needs of your constituents. Isn’t it better to take a stand and go down fighting than to roll over and let Trump take over the way Hitler did in the 1930’s. Hitler took over because the government representatives and the rest of the world rolled over until it was too late. Do not let this happen here in America.