Remember Those Who Died
Today is Memorial Day, a day we stop and remember all who gave their lives while fighting for this country. We need to stop and think of them because they are why we are free to do so many things in this country.
Memorial Day is the official day to stop and remember those who gave their lives. It began around the end of the Civil War as a way to honor those who gave their lives on both sides. The official May 30th date came from a General who headed up the veterans group in the north but it didn’t become official till much later after most of the states had adopted it.
Eventually the federal government got into it by designating May 30th as Decoration or Memorial Day officially. They decided Waterloo, New York is the home of Memorial Day although many other places would disagree. When the government instituted the law to move all holidays to certain Mondays, Memorial Day began happening on the fourth Monday of May.
People have fought and died for this country since before it became a United States. People have continued to fight to protect the values of this country so we can enjoy our way of life.
Those who died are the reason people can protest rather than being thrown in jail. They are the reason people can take guns with them as they protest the lockdown rather than being shot. They are the reason the President can tweet out about conspiracy theories, super duper missiles, and refuse to wear a mask. They are the reason, we can object to the government without being arrested.
Let’s stop for a brief time today to remember those who gave their lives so we can enjoy the freedoms we have. They made it possible. One more thing, the federal government designated 3:00 PM local time to stop and have a moment of silence for those who died. Please think about doing that where ever you are today. Thank you.