Plus Size Models Are Awesome.
For the longest time, models featured in magazines and on runways, were tall and quite thin. They don’t represent the many real women in society. They match the conceptualized notion designed to sell the outfit. This idea is a great sales pitch but it does not mean the person buying the outfit will look good in it. Most buy the outfit knowing it may not be right for them but hoping anyway.
In addition, more women have curves and are never going to be that tall and skinny. This is where plus sized models come in. They have figures that are more representative of real women. Women who do not fit into a size 2 or even an 12.
These models present women with a realistic presentation of how they are likely to look in various outfits. Women are given a better basis for deciding if they will look good in it or to pass and look for another.
Furthermore, plus sized models reinforce the idea that you don’t have to be skinny to look good and be awesome. They validate women who have curves and may not be 102 pounds dripping wet. They show women it is ok to be yourself by not buying into unrealistic views.
I thank every plus sized model I see in print or on the runway for being there, validating that idea we are beautiful, we are women, and we have worth.
We need more models who are representative of real people instead of focusing on a certain look, a certain weight, or a certain way of being. Let me know what you think, I’d love to hear.