One Year Later
In the past year, the supreme court over turned Roe Versus Wade, leaving individual states to decide whether they continue to allow abortions or outlaw them. Unfortunately, many states in their enthusiasm to outlaw abortion, have written laws to make it extremely difficult for women who want or need one.
In the past year, state governments have begun to practice medicine without a license by creating laws, written in such a way that doctors and hospitals are afraid to even consider carrying out the procedure.
We know that before the legalization of abortion, women had to resort to unskilled abortionists who could leave them scarred for life or even cause their deaths. In today’s world, the laws are causing doctors and hospitals to wait until either the women is so close to death they must act, or they have to wait until the fetus is completely dead.
Furthermore, abortions are being denied to women whose pregnancy could cause them significant health problems or the fetus has developed an issue that will prevent it from surviving. The life of the unborn is being placed above the life of the mother.
The laws should not place women in a position where they are considered little more than brood mares due to the emphasis of protecting a fetus. This is completely wrong as a fetus is not worth more than the life of a fully grown woman.
I don’t care these same states argue, doctors can perform abortions in certain circumstances but the reality is that those circumstances are not clearly defined. With the threat of huge fines, loss of license, or a loss of certification by hospitals, they are afraid to do anything.
Abortion should be completely legal and the decision to have an abortion should be between the woman, her doctor, and her conscience. No one needs to knows why she chose to stop the pregnancy and honestly, it is no one else’s business, including the governments.
Furthermore, just because abortion is legal, it does not mean you must have one. It simply means that women who need one are able to have one under safe medical conditions. They don’t have to face death waiting.
Let us start treating women as people who know what they need and let doctors practice medicine as they’ve been trained to do. The government needs to step back and let doctors do their jobs.
Thank you.