It Didn’t Happen
I’d been working at the same place for the past 13 years. When I first arrived, things were pretty good. We had an administration who were open to things, encouraged us to be the best, and even paid to train us so we could encourage literacy in all our classes.
Over the years, I went through about 7 superintendents, about 8 principals, and multiple changes of teaching personnel. In addition, the motivation of the students decreased to the point, they barely did anything. They’d rather interact with their mobile devices than learn.
Furthermore, the place was supposedly dry as far as alcohol is concerned but in reality, there were a couple of families who brewed their own booze and sold it for $40 per gallon instead of $250 per fifth. This one action, caused more alcoholics to become visible. Before the bootleggers went into business, people could only afford alcohol at the beginning of the month but since its become more affordable, there are more drunk people stumbling around each month.
I just got tired of feeling as if I were fighting students who didn’t want to learn and barely came to school so I made a conscientious decision to quit teaching and move on to something else. I thought about starting my own consulting business or perhaps create on-line courses. I’d begun exploring options, turned in my resignation, and felt happy with my decision.
I wasn’t the only one who resigned that year. About 90 percent of the staff turned in their resignations after they found out they’d be doing more with less. The science teacher resigned when informed her she’d be teaching all the science classes from first grade all the way up to twelveth. The school district decided to replace the two of us with one teacher to do both math and science.
She landed a job with another district and talked me into applying for the math vacancy so we’d know someone in the new place. I landed the job and we both moved there. I made a few discoveries about myself in the process of going to a new district.
I was becoming apathetic at my last job because I got tired of fighting kids who didn’t want to do much. It was a result of being discouraged so this change answered the question “Was it me or them?”
Before, I got out of bed grudgingly but now I pop out of bed. Before I barely put effort into planning lessons, now, I spend time finding appropriate activities. I post materials for students to access when they travel, or get stuck at home.
Before, I gave up on using much technology but now I’m looking for technology based activities that help my students learn more. My last district hated sending people out to conferences and now my district just sent me to a three day math conference in Tacoma where I’ve learned so many things I can use in my classes.
I am glad I listened to my friend to apply and accept the job. Will I keep teaching?, yes for a few more years but eventually, I’ll move on since there are still tons of things I want to do. Over the next few years, I’ll study and explore opening my own business but in the meantime, I’ll continue learning and searching for activities to make math awesome for my students.
So back to the title. I was set to retire but it didn’t happen and I’m kind of glad because its given me a new lease on life. Have a great day.