Is He Really That Childish?

Lee Mac Arthur
3 min readOct 9, 2020


I have been following the news over the past week regarding Mr. Trump and his interaction with the coronavirus. It appears he tested positive around Thursday or Friday night but it’s hard to say because no one is willing to share the date of his last negative test.

As soon as it became evident he was positive and needed treatment, he was whisked away to the hospital. He didn’t have meet certain criteria to be tested or admitted and they didn’t have to figure out where to put him.

He had access to experimental medicines the average person such as you or I are unable to get unless someone is at death’s door. Then he begins acting like a child by insisting on leaving the hospital to ride around the parking lot while still contagious and endangering the lives of the secret service.

Of course, he doesn’t have to stay in the hospital while still contagious because he has a cadre of personal doctors who will follow him back to the white house. Most Americans do not have that luxury, so they remain in the hospital until they meet the normal criteria for being well. Again, Trump’s inner child showed it’s face while on the steps of the White House when he whipped his mask off. It seems he should have learned his lesson when he got the virus because he didn’t follow CDC protocol.

But when he boasts to all that we don’t need to fear the virus and we shouldn’t let it dominate our lives, it shows he is totally insensitive to the families of the 200,000 plus people who have died of the virus. The mothers and father, aunts and uncles, children, sisters, brothers, nieces, nephews, grandparents, cousins who are no longer with us.

To tell that to people who are left with side effects such as taking six months to walk distances, or strokes, or losing muscles after recovering from the virus. Or the children who developed a certain disease due to the virus and who will suffer from it for the rest of their lives is a travesty.

All of these people will remember their encounter with the virus because they didn’t have the same type of health care as Trump. They don’t have friends who run drug companies to provide them with experimental drugs. Many don’t even have insurance or decent insurance to pay for all those things.

And now, he is saying he will not participate in the debates that have been shifted to a virtual situation as a safety precaution. I can almost picture him stomping his foot while saying “NO, NO, NO”. It just seems so childish to display this type of behavior to a nation suffering from high unemployment, inability to pay rent or for food.

Maybe he needs to grow up. Let me know what you think, I’d love to hear. Have a great day.



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