Is Fame Worth The Cost?
I’ve been reading a ton of news recently. Some is originates via social media such as the woman who is upset due to the man who hit her seat after she reclined, to people in reality based shows, to stars and royalty.
Some of these people have their 15 minutes of fame while others have a lifetime of it but no matter what, they are all in the public eye.
This means the public will weigh in with their thoughts on everything that happens. These people be their instagram stars or television stars, their lives become and open book and they give up their right to privacy. Everything thing they do, every choice they make will be open to public comment.
I’ve seen the public make derogatory comments when two different instagram stars decided to gain weight so they looked more real and they felt they were healthier in both mind and body but the public didn’t see it that way. The public loves to comment on everything.
The problem is what the public doesn’t see everything especially when it is a one person’s video of an incident such as the woman mentioned above. You have to read a ton of different publications to get a better idea of what actually happened.
What person doesn’t want fame? Who doesn’t want to be known world wide? Fame in our society gives us validity due to the availability of social media. We do something, we make a quick video somewhere in the hopes that it will go viral and we get recognition. Unfortunately, in addition to being famous, we open ourselves to the possibility of being hurt.
I’ve noticed that as digital devices have spread and the use of social media has increased, the concept of privacy is going away for many people. They see nothing wrong with sharing everything they do, everything they experience, everything in their lives with the rest of the world. If you are young, then the world is your social circle and you want to share your life with everyone.
Before you start wanting to hate me, I do have social media, I use it but not in the hopes of becoming famous and known by the world. I use it to connect with family and friends. I post pictures on there of trips because they’ve asked me for them.
I once thought I’d love to be famous because then I’d be known by all and I could have so much fun but over time, I’ve seen what fame brings and I’ve decided I’d rather be my quiet self, in my little corner of the world without my life being examined under a microscope by those who look for weaknesses.
Someone once said “Fame ain’t everything it’s cracked up to be!” and I would agree. Let me know what you think on the topic, I’d love to hear. Have a great day.