Is AI Taking Over The World?

Lee Mac Arthur
2 min readJan 18, 2025


Over the past few days, I’ve realized that everywhere I look, I find so much produced by AI. There was a variety of incidents that lead to my realization. Now, I admit, I’m worried a bit about how fast AI is spreading through the internet.

The first incident, came with Google search. Often, when I look up a topic, the first entry is a summary created by Google’s AI. It is right there. listed as an AI overview.

Another series of encounters came from Facebook. I tend to look at photos of places in Alaska and other states that have been created by AI but are totally fake. There was one posted of Anchorage with possibly the Las Vegas Strip and another showing this huge circular round about in downtown Anchorage. Neither exist in Alaska. Today, I saw a beautiful picture labeled as being the rainbow bridge in the Arabian desert in Utah — it wasn’t.

Add into this, the advertisements I’ve seen, offering to show you how to use AI to write your book, create your photos, coloring books, or even write your lesson plans and worksheets for the classroom. I’ve also heard that you can use AI to create videos with voice over. There are even people who will sell you lists of questions, descriptions, etc to use with many of the A.I platforms so you get exactly what you want.

This makes me wonder, how this will affect things like intellectual property, determining plagiarism, original thought, and so much more. If you have AI create something you use, who owns the rights? Do you own the rights of the creation or does the AI platform own them, or the people who wrote the AI program?

In addition, does every place selling products require you to acknowledge the product was made by AI? Do all people label their products as AI produced? Or do they take credit for it? Will we have to create guidelines or laws to cover this?

As usual, developing technology is moving faster than laws and ethics moves. By the time, society comes up with its view on what can and cannot be done, technology will have moved on. Right now, we are still in the Wild West stage of AI. I don’t know where it will end but I think AI is here to stay. Let me know what you think, I’d love to hear.



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