Interesting Trends Associated With Abortion.

Lee Mac Arthur
3 min readJun 29, 2024


I cringe every time I see another state restricting abortion and I worry. Many of these states have written the laws in such a way to cause the medical professionals to seriously think about administering medical abortions.

It is sad that restrictions say no abortions after 6 weeks which is before most women learn they are pregnant. I feel sorry for those women who are required to carry a non-viable fetus until the body decides to expel it. I also hate that most states that have decided to restrict abortions, have not put anything in place to help women who must go through their pregnancy and face watching the new born die.

Recently, I began seeing publications address the question of what has happened overall since abortions became more restricted. First of all, the number of infant deaths has increased significantly because women may no longer decide to abort a fetus with significant medical issues. This means, women face the knowledge that once the fetus is born, it might either die, or require extra care for the rest of their life.

This is understandable since prior to the repeal of Roe versus Wade, women who were told their fetus had an issue that would impact their life span, or develop into a life threatening situation, could chose to abort the fetus. Now, the choice has been taken from them. Yes, many of these states claim, doctors can perform medical abortions if it becomes necessary but most are not willing to do one since it’s not completely clear what “medically necessary” means.

Furthermore, if a fetus is not viable or not being expelled from the body, many medical professionals refuse to do an abortion until the whole situation becomes life threatening. Again, they fear being prosecuted for making a plan of treatment that someone else has to decide was proper. Once a women has reached a point where it is obvious she is septic and sick enough to die, then doctors fill comfortable enough to perform a medical abortion.

Another statistic that has gone up is the one on women being able to access affordable health. Many clinics who offered women affordable care have closed because they also performed abortions. These clinics closed down and women no longer had a place offering affordable health care.

When I was in college and just out of college, I relied on Planned Parenthood for my reproductive health needs since I didn’t have insurance and couldn’t afford it. If there had been no Planned Parenthood clinic, I would not have gotten any health care at all.

In addition, since many states outlaw abortions if a person is over 6 weeks pregnant, many of these women will not go in for prenatal care since they do not have insurance and can’t afford it. This means that there is an increased possibility of issues not being found in a timely manner.

What is interesting in regard to the question of abortion is simply that two thirds of the people questions support legalized abortions. This means that a minority of people are pushing through laws limiting abortion and the views of the majority of the American population are being ignored.

So a few people are setting policy for America and they are ignoring the realities of medical treatment to force their views on others. These laws need to be repealed so abortion is again assessable to those who need it. Let me know what you think, I’d love to hear.



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