In Person Instruction Has It’s Own Problems.
I teach in a school that has been on an modified green schedule since September. Modified means that students wear masks, are seated apart from each other, have their temperatures taken, and get out at 3:00 instead of 3:30. The 30 minute difference is so that I can clean desks off, clean door handles, and light switches.
I read that there is a move to get students back in school across the country as it is considered a better choice but many schools are holding off. Yes, I’ve read where people have decided that students do not get the virus from attending school in person, instead they get it from members of their families or close friends. My concern is that an infected student could attend school and expose others to it and there are issues with being open that I’ve seldom heard addressed.
I currently live in an Alaskan village where they have required people fill out a travel form when returning, and right now, must have taken a test that produced negative results within the previous 72 hours. Once back in the village, they have to quarantine for at least a week before taking a second test. The result has been very few cases have made it into the village.
One of the major problems we have is with staffing numbers. If someone has to travel out for medical, then one has to assume they will be out at least one week longer than normal due to the quarantine restrictions. In addition, if a member of their family comes back to their house, they have to go into quarantine so again, they are out. Since the school has access to a limited number of subs, it is often necessary to get super creative so school doesn’t have to switch to red.
Then we have certain students who continually cycle in and out because a member of their family travels on a regular basis so they frequently end up in quarantine. Unfortunately, unless the student notifies us, or the parents send a note, we don’t know where they are when they are missing.
Another issue is when we plan lessons for the week, we don’t know if we will remain green for the full week. Every lesson I plan, I have to plan so it can be done either in person or via distance. Since many of our students do not have internet, I can’t rely on google meet or zoom to administer my lessons. All lessons for distance are sent in a packet so I have to make copies of the textbook, write additional explanations, create good examples, and for those who have computers, I have to provide videos on thumb drives.
It makes it harder to keep grades up to date with students who are in and out of quarantine but I offer extra hours after school so they can stay and get caught up. In fact, we already know that the first week of school after Christmas holidays will be red because so many teachers are heading out, that most will not be done with quarantine until the end of that week.
There is also the possibility we might have to go red for a second week because the only way in and out of the village is by air. The planes are small ones that take 6 to 9 passengers, so they fly based on the weather. If we get hit with stormy weather, they planes won’t fly and that could delay the return of teachers. Furthermore, they have to have a negative Covid-19 test taken within 72 hours before traveling which means if their plane is delayed, they might be delayed more because they have to retake the test.
It is important to understand that having schools open for educating students in person have their own issues. Please do not think that opening schools will solve all the problems. Students will end up missing due to being exposed and placed on quarantine, staff will be out for the same reasons and there may not be enough substitutes available so the school cannot find enough bodies to run properly.
There is no simple answer to this. As far as making progress, the students will learn what they are able. Yes, some will loose ground, some will end up about the same at the end of the year, and the lucky ones will make strides. None of the situations are perfect and many districts are doing the best they can. Let me know what you think, I’d love to hear.