I sit here at work, watching the live news. Watching the huge crowd of people who have overrun the Capital in the hopes of keeping Trump in power. Since the end of the election, Trump has been screaming he won over and over but was being denied his rightful place due to widespread fraud. Yet, the courts denied his allegations so he encouraged his followers to be in Washington D.C for the count of electoral votes.
Many of Trump’s supporters take his allegations so seriously, they showed up at the Capital and rather than mill peacefully outside, they lost control and invaded the capital turning a protest into a. free-for-all riot. In the process, they damaged and vandalized portions of the Capital which required members of the house and senators to retreat to safe locations. They disrupted a constitutionally sanctioned process.
Yes, Trump did send out a video for his followers but it contained a very mild, please leave peacefully sprinkled between a repeat of his unfounded claims of being the winner of the 2020 election. His message didn’t go far enough. He didn’t condemn them for the violence, for overrunning the Capital, for interrupting a legal institution. He just said “he understood” and “loved them”.
Not too much later, he sent another tweet talking about the patriots who tried to change the official winner of the election but again said gently, they should go home but remember this great day. Apparently, many of his followers are standing down but promise this is not over.
It is sad that an elected leader of our country has been pushing for anarchy even when the courts have stated he has not proven his allegations. It is sad we have someone who had developed such a blind following they are willing to respond with violence to the congressional confirmation of the winner.
I firmly believe Trump is fully responsible for this event with the messages he’s given his supporters. He should give up his false claims, step up, tell everyone that it’s over. We need to put things behind us and move onward. His stance is not acceptable. He needs to be held accountable for refusing to be a loser.
It is time for Trump to admit he is wrong. He needs to admit he lost the election and we must move on. It is time for life to go back to normal. He also needs to tell his supporters to stand down and let the transfer between the two presidents happen quietly. Thank you for listening.