I Have No Fashion Sense!

Lee Mac Arthur
2 min readDec 9, 2021


Fashion S

I haven’t been working since the end of May and I discovered Project Runway on Amazon Prime, so I have been binge watching the series in between trips.

I love sewing my own clothing and making vintage and historical outfits so I decided to watch the series to see what makes something “fashion” since my idea of high fashion is jeans with a shirt and a blazer with boots. Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, I know, its not something that is considered fashionable butt it is comfortable and works for most of the situations I find myself in.

Most of the judges for the show are fashion designers, actresses, models, and fashion magazine publishers. The same ones who are most likely to keep track of trends, know the latest colors and styles so they know which outfits are edgy and forward thinking.

What I learned through multiple seasons is that I cannot identify “good” vs the ordinary or matronly outfits. I’ll often look at something and think that it really isn’t very impressive and the judges rave about it. Or I love, love, love something and the judges tear it apart. So I’ve decided I have absolutely no sense of fashion because I can’t seem to distinguish good from bad.

I think a lot of it is simply that I’m not the type to buy any clothing that makes me stand out. I prefer to hide within the crowd because its safer and I’m not noticed. Over the years, I’ve decided that the ability to throw stuff together and have it look just “right” is something you have to be born with. It’s that innate sense some folks have and some like me, don’t have.

Even when I wear the retro, or historical things, I don’t get them finished so the look isn’t complete. I don’t bother with gloves or hats and I don’t have the “right” shoe for that look. Honestly, I’ve tried watching other shows like the one with Gok and I can see what he is doing but I can’t translate it into something I can use.

Ohhh well, maybe one day I’ll end up with a shopping buddy who can direct me to outfits that convey what I want. Who knows. Let me know what you think, I’d love to hear. Have a great day.



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