I Am Not Just A Woman!

Lee Mac Arthur
2 min readJun 20, 2021


Have you ever been told “Your just a woman?” I have and I realized, I am not just a woman, I am more. I am Woman!

I am the one who played with radioactivity so that x-rays are a normal part of health care.

I am the actress who helped create an early guidance system for torpedos but helped with cell phone technology.

I am the woman who guided Lewis and Clark on their expedition and I had my son with me. I helped translate and so much more. When the boat almost capsized, I grabbed the important papers, books, navigation instruments, and medicines rather than panicking.

I am one of the woman who protested so all women could get the right to vote. I was thrown in jail and when I went on a hunger strike, they force fed me. Yet they needed me to drive ambulances and nurse the men during World War I.

I am one of the women who helped get men to the moon by using my mathematical skills yet my contribution was not acknowledged until Hidden Figures was released and people saw what we had done.

I am the woman who was born in Iraq, yet I became a world famous architect. I was the first woman to receive Pritzker Prize ever and I was seen as a visionary.

I am the woman who took over my husbands fleet of ships and men. It is said that at one time I commanded 80,000 men to become the most famous female pirate in history.

I am more than just a woman. I am a woman who comes from a long line of women who left their mark on the world without ever having the rights we have today. Just remember — I AM WOMAN!



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