Governmental Tennis

Lee Mac Arthur
3 min readApr 20, 2020


I started reading daily news feeds earlier this year because I have a student who is very into politics.

I discovered if I took a couple minutes to discuss the latest with him, he’d settle down much faster and work.

Once COVID-19 arrived, I’ve been checking newsfeeds to see what the latest is on the spread of the disease. Unfortunately, I feel as if I am watching a strange game of tennis every time I read the latest updates.

I’m still trying to figure out what the presidential approval ratings have to do with the seriousness of the spread of the virus. I’m also having difficulty with the president saying one thing one day, something else a day or two later, and then turning around and accusing everyone else for a problem.

On the other side, I see the governors who are trying to do the best they can for their states while being told the national stockpile of masks, ventilators, and other medical supplies are for the federal government. I see medical personal who are fighting the front lines while being told they must be stealing otherwise there would be enough equipment.

I also see a country that wants to return to the world they knew, to being employed again, to being able to do what they want, when they want. I understand the desire to return to a feeling of being safe in this world of uncertainty but organizing protests isn’t going to help.

Everyday, I see the president’s office lobby a shot at those who disagree while the state governments are trying to keep from being pushed into opening everything too fast. It is all a matter of balancing the unknown elements of the disease with what is best for everyone.

I read of people who want to go party because of the feeling of invincibility and the attitude of “I can do what I want”. I hear of others who decided to go to a celebration or a wedding and upon their return, they end up with the virus because they didn’t want to not go.

Everyday, this tennis game repeats itself. The president will tell us how great his is, his current take on what he’s doing to fight the virus, or his sudden change of position on things. The governors respond back with what they see as most important, their thoughts on the presidents current position, and the occasional governor who indicates they have no idea what is going on in their state.

I don’t see this ending anytime soon until the virus is over or a new president is elected. Otherwise it will continue day in and day out. Rather than playing this game of tennis, why can’t the president step back and let the governers take the lead on this. They know what their state needs. I’d love to hear what you think. Let me know.



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