Going From Bad To Worse!

Lee Mac Arthur
2 min readJan 30, 2025


Now, Trump has issued an executive order restricting education related to race, gender, or politics. It sounds quite vague and could open the door to excluding certain topics within the normal educational curriculums.

Beginning with race, will we be required to eliminate all sections of American History classes that deal with race? Do we get rid of all mentions of the all black regiments in the Civil War, World War One, and World War II? Eliminate the Harlem Renaissance?, If we have to eliminate all discussion of race, then we are rewriting history to the point it is totally whitewashed and extremely narrow.

Or what about women who left their stamp on history. We need to remember the women who fought to get the vote, to be recognized as real people, not just the property of their husbands. Think about the women who stepped in during the wars to free men to fight. Or the women who ended up in prison simply because they demanded the right to vote! Do we eliminate all mention of those events from history?

As far as teaching politics, does that mean we’ll have to get rid of all government classes? Anyone and everyone who lives in this country needs to know how the government works, how the current form of government came to replace the previous Articles of Confederation. Our children need to learn about the Bill of Rights, all of the amendments, and why the constitution established a system of checks and balances.

Furthermore, most people learn about the various types of totalitarian governments, dictatorships, etc via either a history course or their government classes. Just because these classes expose students to a variety of ideas, does not mean they are being indoctrinated. In fact, it is when the information is removed and children taught only a limited amount that our children become indoctrinated.

Removing other points of view and replacing them with the one supported by the government does not make children critical thinkers. It makes them sheep who cannot think for themselves. It has been shown throughout history in China, Germany, and so many other places that such narrowness eventually fails.

We should not wait for the whole education system to fail due to removing race, gender, or politics. We need to raise our voices and be heard now. Critical thinking, the ability to express our thoughts without fear of prosecution is important. This cannot be allowed to happen.

Stand up for our constitution, our freedoms, and do not let a bunch of narrow minded people take that away from us.



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