Get Out And Vote!
This is an election year where the populous decides who will be president for the next 4 years.
I registered to vote the day I turned 18 because my father always said when you vote, you have the right to complain about the government. If you do not vote, you have no right to complain.
He said it doesn’t matter who wins but you made an effort to get the candidate you think best into office. When you refuse to vote, you are saying you don’t care enough to even try.
According to one source, 60% of those who are eligible to vote did so in the 2016 presidential election but that isn’t everyone. I’ve heard people say that their choice didn’t win, or it doesn’t matter who you vote for, they are all the same.
The thing about voting is that you really aren’t voting directly for the president, you are voting for the electoral college members who then cast their vote for the president. There have been five elections in the past where one candidate got the popular vote but still lost the election. Our founding fathers set it up this way and so we have this system. That is why presidential candidates are interested in winning certain states.
I will tell you that I do not normally vote for either candidate from the Republican or Democratic party because I don’t usually agree with the platform for either person. I am told that I’m throwing my vote away or wasting it because third party candidates will never win.
It does’t bother me because I made sure I voted. I have the right to complain because I tried to change things. Besides, if enough people voted for the third party candidate, they could win. I don’t feel I am throwing away my vote. To me, I am telling the major parties that I don’t like them and my vote could have helped your person win.
If everyone who is eligible to vote,registers, and votes, the results could be different because of the 40% who choose not to vote. Due to the coronavirus, I have to apply for my absentee ballot via mail because the office is sort of closed right now. I have to vote absentee because I’m registered in one location, work in another, and cannot get home to vote. I think I’ve voted by absentee ballot every year since 2010 because of my job.
In addition, the results of voting let the parties know who the voters think will make a better president. This year, if you feel the Republicans have a better candidate, vote for them but if you feel the Democratic candidate is better, vote for them. Don’t sit there and complain, go out, cast a vote, and you’ll have the right to complain. Yes, people complain without voting but their complaints mean nothing because they didn’t even try to change things.
Remember to get out and vote this November. Celebrate if your candidate wins, or complain if they don’t but get out and vote. Let me know what you think, I’d love to hear. Have a great day.