DIY Hair Coloring? Yes or No?
I stumbled across a few channels on YouTube done by professional hair stylist who advise against people doing their hair at home using off the shelf box kits.
I am not a professional hair stylist but I’ve been doing my hair using box dyes for several years. I started going gray earlier than I wanted to so I began covering it up so I didn’t “look” older. I had to use those box dyes for one major reason that was never covered by anyone. The closest professional was located at least 2 hours away by air and I would have had to fly in, get it done, stay the night before flying back and the cost would have been close to $1000 for everything.
As far as I can determine, most of the videos reviewed by hair stylist were those where the person had a major fail associated with trying to go from a dark hair color to a light blond which takes work. Usually, they’d apply the bleach incorrectly and at the end of the first round, they’d have a lovely shade of orange stripes because the bleach had not been applied correctly.
So they’d try to bleach it again for better coverage and results. By the time it got where they wanted, they’d damaged their hair possibly to the point of it breaking off. I saw videos where they’d show this huge collection of their hair.
When I dye my hair, I only do the roots so my hair looks more even and I am simply maintaining it’s normal color. I am not trying to go lighter, make it pink, orange, green, or some other color of the rainbow. I don’t use any heat on it, nor do I perm it. I let it remain pretty much natural. The only thing I have done is I try to get in 3 to 4 times a year to get the bottom bit trimmed off so it is better.
The thing is, if you do want to lighten your hair to blond, I would say pay to a professional to get it done because a professional knows what they are doing and they are less likely to damage the hair significantly compared with the person who does it at home. Yes, I’ve had students who regularly bleached their hair at home but it didn’t take long for their hair to become extremely damaged.
Remember, the idea is to do hair dyeing so you don’t damage your hair and keep it in great shape, otherwise you might have to cut it off to save it. Let me know what you think, I’d love to hear. Have a great day.