Becoming Ridiculous
I have been following the news recently because of the leaked Roe vs Wade document. As we get closer to the date it is supposed to officially be handed down, states are rushing more and more restrictive measures through their legislatures and weird candidates who want to eliminate contraception are making their positions known.
One state is trying to sign into law a bill that states life begins at fertilization as part of their anti-abortion law. Obviously, the people who wrote this bill have no concept of biology otherwise they would know that just because the egg and sperm get together, it won’t necessarily plant itself in the uterine wall. Even if it does plant itself, this doesn’t mean the cluster of cells will grow and become a fetus. Many times, the body aborts it before it can fully develop. Although we say she miscarried, it is medically referred to as spontaneous abortion.
A spontaneous abortion usually happens sometime before the 20th week and usually within the first 12 weeks. It is estimated that between 1 in 4 and 1 in 5 women miscarry before the 20th week. Furthermore, it is said the rates are actually higher because many women miscarry before they are aware of being pregnant.
Now with these new laws prohibiting abortions under all circumstances, will these same states use it to arrest and convict women who undergo spontaneous abortions. Will they go to the extreme of arguing these women’s body were the abortion provider because in its infinite wisdom, it ended the pregnancy?
If these miscarriages are incomplete, will they be able to get the medical help necessary to take care of the problem so they don’t end up dead due to infections? If a women is carrying a fetus that dies but is not expelled by the body, will she be able to get the services she needs or will she be treated as a murderer. I ask because many states are passing laws that prohibit abortions under any circumstances.
Furthermore, I worry about those people who want to cut off the availability of contraception to anyone who is not married or completely because they believe the use of it is murder of a potential life. Why should we consider denying women, any women access to birth control? We don’t know why they are using it. In high school, I had friends who were not sexual active but who were on the pill due to having such bad cramps, they’d end up in bed for days, or because they were so irregular they needed the help, or because their periods were so bad, it helped make them better.
If we eliminate the use of contraception by all but married women, we are denying medical treatment to a portion of the population. We are assuming that no one will have sex until they are married, never mind the women who are raped or involved in incest.
Why do we have law makers trying to move us back to the image of the 1950’s we see in shows like Father Knows Best? Why are we trying to implement a false idea? Why can’t we provide what is needed in reality to those who need it most? Why can’t we be compassionate enough to allow women the choice based on their circumstances?
I ask these questions because I don’t have the answers. What I see are a bunch of narrow minded people trying to pass laws designed to further their agenda rather than trying to make things better for women. I see people who have the means to go elsewhere if they needed to end a pregnancy all the while being self righteous. I hope they don’t over turn Roe vs Wade but I fear they will. Let me know what you think, I’d love to hear.